
Book reviews #1


Here comes the first article on my brand new blog:  a little review of Etiquette & Espionnage by Gail Carriger

Pages: 307 (hardcover)
Top 3 genres: Steampunk / Adventure/ Urban fantasy
Recommanded for: Teen
Rating:   ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ (3/5)
One quote: “ A lady never strikes first. She asks questions, then strikes

In a few words: In a steampunk London, the 14 years old  Sophronia Angelina Temminnick despairs her mother by her attitude and is sent to Mademoiselle Geraldine’s Finishing Academy for Young Ladies of Quality to learn how to behave properly… among other things. Between her classes of dance and etiquette, she also learns how to spy and kill… in a ladylike way. Yes it is a Finishing school, but not the kind of “finish” you would espect. And how could there be not a lot of mysteries and things to discover in such a school?

My review: First of, I’ll start by saying that I wanted to read this book because I loved Gail Carriger’s other series, the Parasol Protectorate (PP), and I thought this one would have the sae “atmosphere”. And yes, it does. But adapted to teenagers. Which doesn’t make me the right audience, and I could feel that along the book. If  I had found it when I was 14, I would have probably be its biggest fan. For now, I enjoyed it but it was not  the big love.
“ It’s one thing to learn to curtsy properly. It’s quite another to learn to curtsy and throw a knife at the same time. Welcome to Finishing School. “ 

[Spoilers are following - Read at your own risks]
What will I start with? Ok the good things! I really LOVED getting back to the Steampunk London created by Gail Carriger, with all its strange mechanics, its vampires and werewolves all around. I think it’s what I prefered in the book: all the material aspects, like where the school is, the objects they use (and you will recognize some if you read the PP).
The writing style is also something I really appreciate with Gail Carriger, and even if here it was adapted to the young reader, it was still enjoyable; this strange mix of humor, cynism and class.
Now as for the characters, I love how Gail Carriger represents young and strong women, smart and cynical. It was also a nice surprise to discover some characters we’ve met in the PP (and it took me way too long to make the connection!), and so, discover that this adventure is happening several decades before! This is one of the aspects I look the more forward to, discovering more on the characters of the PP!One of the book’s arc is also related to a mysterious object that has been stolen by a student and that everybody seems to want. And when you discover what it is: wow! I say yes!! That was another nice surprise in the book!

On the things I didn’t like… I will start by that: why WHY do you keep repeating all the book that Sophronia is not “classical pretty”, not “as pretty as her sisters”, and so on. I know it’s important, because it’s easier for readers to reprensent themselves as the hero if this one is imperfect, but this was too much. Already in the PP, it is all “she thinks she is not pretty but she meets someone who find her the most beautiful creature”, and it’s becoming a bit repetitive to have it again there. 
In the end, I definitely think this is a great book.. if you are a teenager (10-17), then, it could seem a bit less interesting. But, I have read that the more we go in the series, the more mature they become, like to follow the aging of Sophronia. So, because of that and because I don’t like to give up on a series I started, I will read the next books! (ok, also I am just curious and I want to know how it’ll end, don’t judge me!)

Have you read that book? Or any other from Gail Carriger? Let me know!


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